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Expanded his chair heavens and the earth

Dr.. Abdullah Al-Misnad
A faculty member at the University of Section in Saudi Arabia
:. When launched lines of this article seized control of the state of confusion and fear and hesitation .. heart accelerates Khvqath the desolation and awe .. and Abra almost in me fear and Gela .. and frequency Intabna modesty ... there is no god but Allah, and Allah is the greatest and the greatest and for .. how me and I will describe the size the creature did not create like him to exist .. creature honor the Creator from all other creatures function was not repeated in the other covenants .. creature is unsurpassed and similar between the witnesses .. how me and I Soqterp than the mighty bulk of the gaze in he called to talk about his chair, which expanded the heavens and the earth! .. Big job dishonest great honor by the rest of my life .. and ask God to deprive the face of the author and the reader and the publisher of the fire.
And the name of Allah we begin ..:. So do not Natih between the distances and sizes to agree (between you and me) on the unit of measurement of which Debutante and the ending .. Suppose that Msadjadkm 2500 an area of ​​square meters, while the Jama Masjid area in Hartkm 10,000 square meters of any senior by three times, in contrast Eid prayer in your city 40,000 area square meters of any grows mosque three times, but this will become a great small when compared to the Prophet's mosque area of ​​302,500 square meters, where grows the Prophet's mosque Eid prayer eight times, and the Prophet's mosque is equal to 121 Kmsadjadkm a mosque in the neighborhood! Have you seen the grandeur of space and the size of the Prophet's Mosque?
:. Staying in the context of the comparisons .. On the grounds that the Medina area of ​​500 square kilometers they grow the Prophet's Mosque to 1667 times! And the Arabian Peninsula (area of ​​3,100,000 square kilometers) larger than the Medina area to 6200 times! And above all a big larger than the continent of Asia's largest The area of ​​the Arabian Peninsula, an area 14 times! The planet Earth from space and greater space Asia by 11 times! Via my friend told me where to site Msadjadkm area of ​​the planet's land area? As land area bigger space Msadjadkm b 204,028.800.000 visits Glory to God, and God is not the biggest little thing in front of the planet! .. But does the planet biggest thing in the world? Certainly not .. God Almighty create Jupiter larger than the Earth 1,300 times !!.
Image scale real drawing shows the size of the giant planet Jupiter with the planet and that higher 1,300 times !!
:. The giant planet Jupiter is a midget in front of the sun, the earth, which grow to 1.3 million visits .. In other words, if you imagine that the sun size of a basketball, the land will be only the size of the head of the pen! {, Do you most created or sky built} .. in your home compare lighting the size and adapt to the size of your room, you will find that they do not constitute 0.1% .. While the size of the sun, which draw them lighting and temperature is greater than the size of the planet and even planets combined thousands of times !! Are you ever asked yourself what is the wisdom in all this greatness? What is the wisdom in size? What wisdom in force Otunha and another fire? .. If any answer he told me.
Composite image scale real draw brings the planet with the sun, and clear the tongue wound is almost inseparable from the sun, and its size and grandeur of arrogance What is the guarantor that wraps all the planets of the solar system and the Earth is not alone! Which Hall this? Any fire of this? And any scene to wander his brains {Do they not reflect on themselves what God created the heavens and the earth and all between them but with truth and for indefinite period, although a lot of people to meet their Lord, disbelievers}.
:. The remains of the great sun majestic superstar modest when compared to other stars of deposited creator in the sky and told us {Have they not looked at the sky above them, how we have built and beautified and its Chicken} When human eyes found that the star Sirius Sirius the brightest star in the sky and grow our sun about 8 times, and sincerity Creator owner {mastermind and that he is the Lord of Sirius} .. and ask yourself what is now the size of the planet from Sirius? (Sirius bigger than Earth is 10 million times) which recognizes your size before the real greatness of God's creation {first mention I have created man before and he was not something}.
:. {Say: Behold what is in the heavens} If we look more at the sky through sight and insight, we find that the star Hinah Pollux is larger than our sun about 512 times larger than our earth for 663 million times, there is no god but Allah, and Allah is the greatest and the greatest .. The star Arcturus Arcturus The biggest of our sun is 30 thousand times, larger than our land for 40 billion visits .. The star man Gemini Rigel is larger than our sun 343 thousand times, larger than our earth with 400 billion times !! .. The star of the house of Gemini Betslgeuse older than our sun b 274 million times, so it is larger than our earth 355 trillion times !! {For the creation of the heavens and the earth is greater than the creation of mankind}.
Image scale real draw of giant stars, movie stars midget compared Khmsna ... Note that giant stars will become a midget in the following image.
:. Stars nuclear furnaces scary and majestic Ataftr her human heart terrifying fear when contemplating and manages and speculate size or location {I swear by the stars of the locations, that oath, if you know a great} .. Next image can not human words for translation and described the statement .. and will not meet the real dimensions of the image, but the Creator Almighty Almighty when he said: {more, Do you have created or the sky?} the great truth of the Creator .. Did Attac news of the red giant star Antares Antares? The sun, which grows 343 million times !!, just 600 light-years away from us (5,676,480,000,000,000 km)! .. And frightening that if we assume that the star Antares giant Antares replaced the sun to swallow all of Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars and the space between them and the sky-peer growing in size, which surpasses the sun 343 million times! And Ontteres more radiation from the sun by 10,000 times !! Did your Creator asks, Do you {more ethics or the sky?} I will answer your behalf: the sky is decidedly not the words! Most of us have created and who created most of them .. Varahmana your mercy, O Most Merciful.
Image scale real drawing shows the size of our sun (dot almost invisible) versus Ontteres star Antares (Antares) .. Lord, bear witness that I believed in your creator owner foul play is not a partner for you .. Voatgueni of Nernek.

Image scale real draw gathered our sun compared to a star Arcturus with a star red giant Ontteres Antares (Antares) and the line of intermittent represents Mars orbit assumption and how it will be within the offense superstar giant if it replaced the Sun as the Earth's orbit, Venus and Mercury will be included in the size of the star Ontteres a fortiori {Say: Behold what is in the heavens}.

Image scale real draw Aitic her mind Zhola includes several giant star with a midget {Khmsna in that are Signs for those who reflect}.
>> Disclaimer: my brother and sister reader .. If you believe and think that the creation of the universe and much smaller, and as mentioned pure fantasy and exaggeration and without balance they do not believe in numbers .. I advise you not to read the complete topic! .. Vanma Asafk would not mind nor heart to ratify .. Ibn Masood may Allah be pleased with him, said: (What are you Bmahdt newly folk do not inform him of their minds, but had some charm). >> Moment .. before you leave in the following image, a real, maximize the image and then tried to count the bright spots (and each is a star point) and reference Allbeb understand.
Real picture of a square unlimited sky shows stars, countless {Have they not considered the dominion of the heavens and the earth, and that God created from nothing}.
:. What's predecessor had set aside a small fraction of the little kingdom of God in the sky .. a few different sizes Star has the comparison between them and our sun .. The question that emerges here What is behind that great creation? Is the star Antares Antares Red Giant is the biggest star in the universe has been discovered? Will the number of stars in the sky is limited to the minimum? How many? The cosmic judgment in the fact that the planet infinitesimal? And are we alone is this universe? And why the size of the planet compared to the very, very little the sky? And those who created this great universe? and to whom all this nuclear furnaces and fire is made for? And that the sun outweigh the millions, and the wisdom of the existence of billions of stars in our galaxy? Legitimate questions derived from the verse: {who remember Allah standing, sitting and lying on their sides and reflect on the creation of the heavens and the earth, God created this void Glory guide us the torment of Hell}.
:. Now I invite you to identify the biggest star finder so far is VY Canis Majoris and away from us five thousand light-years away and the sun larger than any 9,261,000,000 b 9 billion and 261 million times !!!! {Glory whose hand the kingdom of all things, and to Him you shall return}. Do you want to know the size of our land at this giant? Sorry may not Tsafna accounts and the figures for comparison, but sufficient for saying the Almighty and the sky we have built with hands and I Musaon}. If we assume that this star has replaced our sun to swallow both: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn orbit reached the limits !! So that the light on his speed (300.000 / sec) takes more than 8 hours to complete one cycle around the perimeter of the giant star.
:. Even in the greatness of the Creator understands His creation, if we assume that you are traveling at 5 kilometers per hour non-stop for years it took for the rotation on the perimeter of the land only, while for the rotation around the perimeter of the sun you will need to 104 years !! While circling around the perimeter of the biggest star finder takes 217 thousand years !!! Have I seen a creature of this size? I wonder how much land is equal at this star? The wisdom of the great inequalities and disparities between the sizes of stars? Perhaps the sky Engineering cosmic necessitated the presence of a giant star fictional need balance in gravity that prevents the sky to collapse {and the sky full of paths} {God holds the heavens and the earth to Tuzla: and if they said Omskhma of one after him that he was meek Forgiving} God created the Public.
Compared to the scale of a real draw between our sun and the biggest star in the universe finder.
:. Star is a unit of construction of galaxies and galaxy .. Way galaxy contains millions and even billions of stars and suns! .. And this digital data is not a theory but watch real .. Scientists estimate the length of Galaxy Way 100,000 light-years 1 equivalent 945,424,051,200,000,000 km (nine hundred and forty-five quadrillion four hundred and twenty-four trillion and fifty-one billion two hundred million km) The estimated number of their stars from 200 - 400 000 000 000 a star. In heaven billions of galaxies and each galaxy containing billions of stars !! .. And scientists whenever developed giant Mnazirhm discovered more and a lot of great galaxies .. and the size of the sky larger and greater than that absorbed by the human mind or understood by the human mind, but not even the automated computer .. Suffice it to mention here that the average diameter of galaxies is equal to 30,000 light-years away .. While the average distance between each two galaxies is 3 million light-years! Then we recognize verse lifting thick Fssoaha} making them a wide deferral extended construction Haeha the wisdom of the creator of heaven and earth {and created heaven and earth and their players, but the sky} {lifted and put the balance}.
:. At the level of the detected and perspective of the universe (only) the latest scientific estimate to view the universe is estimated at 156 billion two light years any 1,474,861,519,872,000,000,000,000 km (one Sptellon four hundred and seventy-four sextillion eight hundred and sixty one Kontellon five hundred and nineteen quadrillion eight hundred and seventy-two trillion km !!!!!). . did not I tell you in advance if you do not believe what your hands Vasrv eyes .. and still talk about (some) are blind about, let alone not including Nbzareth {I swear by what you see and what you do not see}. (Do not tell anyone about this figure does not even accuse you of insanity).
:. The fact that the words and even numbers fail to describe the universe capacity and a stock of great and amazing create .. and the greatness of the creature indicate the greatness of the Creator .. and reflect on God's creation and reflection in the universe and meditation in the presence inevitably rooted faith in the hearts, Viaazem creator of existence where Vidfh to reverence and acquiescence to him Almighty, a first set of inanimate objects {had We sent down this Qur'an on a mountain, I saw humble flawed from the fear of God and those parables we strike for people so that they might improve their minds).
:. This is how Balmujd existing creature creator? Do Cherqtm size and space and capacity perspective sky? Do you want to Tqraoa creature grows up an orphan on the heavens and the earth? Did not watch human beings one, and did not create like him to exist at all, and dunk described by one Sunday when he said: {broadened his chair heavens and the earth} .. Hallelujah, God is great, and for the greatest, the creation of his creation afford everything we have realized and what did we do know, and what Obesrnah and not Nbzareth, and charity of our minds and did not believe him .. there is no god but Allah, and Allah is the greatest and the greatest and for any chair this? And any great majestic create this scary? {Vasfhm more important than ethics or created}.
:. The chair is great creature in the hands of the throne, and the throne, the throne? Everybody knows what the throne? The greatest and the biggest of the chair, said Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him (the chair position of the feet and the throne can not only of God). The beloved peace be upon him: (What's the seven heavens, in the chair, but as a lying land of wilderness and preferred the throne on the chair like the superiority of the wilderness on that episode) hopes compared Mustafa (PBUH) between the chair and the throne .. and manage the units of measurement used by the father and mother .. nothing than the larger and mightier comparison images among the stars above .. but stresses indirectly the health of sizes and distances that we talked about in advance .. it also confirms that unless Nbzareth of creation greater than Obesrnah In this article we presented {Vasfhm most important most ethics or of created Verily Khalguenahm from clay to Azib}.
:. Authors .. Sure, you forgot Msadjadkm space! .. Will you be after the great comparisons above to compare Msadjadkm or your planet or your sun or Mejrtkm space or even a chair Smaikm Rahman !!!? As well as the Throne of God !!? If this is the Creator of creation, how the mighty {Lord is the Lord of Glory Glory what they describe} and {Glory to the Lord of the heavens and the earth, Lord of the Throne what they describe} and {if the two gods, but God Vsdta Glory to God the Lord of the Throne what they describe}.
:. Conclude next applied in this context .. When contemplating your size and your strength and your culture and trick compared to the creation of the Creator Will remains in your heart a fear of others? Is it stays in your chest love for others? Is it stays in your heart partner with him? Is Heart respect and love and fear and hope Psoah Please? Is it worth one else to distract him pray? .. When the shaking of faith and weakens due to human or demon remembered its size in this existence with the mighty idol forfeit symptoms and mutation in a sea of ​​faith melt .. At the end of this scripture Ibcrk giving and generosity of His b {Sabqgua ..} {and quick to forgiveness from your Lord and Paradise as wide as the heavens and the earth, prepared for the righteous}.
On the paths of science we Venstaki meet and live. Note: The pictures of stars presented in the article is two-dimensional, a valid comparison between the diagonals and not between two sizes as the latter requires a three photographs of the dimensions.
* Sbtellon: one next to it and 24 to zero. * Sextillion: one next to it and 21 to zero. * Kontellon: one next to it and 18 to zero. * Quadrillion: one next to it and 15 to zero.
* Trillion: one next to it and 12 to zero. * Faculty member at the University of Qassim Saudi Arabia Ramadan 1429
Source article by Dr. Abdullah Al-Misnad

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