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Live Muhammad peace be upon him

Praise be to Allah, peace and blessings be upon the Prophet of the Secretary, and his family good Almentajabin. After:
Is feared that all to see what happened to him if the people of this world strife and doom in the request, and negligence on the request of the Hereafter, and seeking her quest.

Anyone who wants to get rid of this sedition blind, and the ordeal, awful; Azkoa to his heart, and shines himself, let him look into the lives of the Prophet peace be upon him, and a gift in dealing with money, and measure things in life.

Prophet has taught God's peace be upon him the fact the world, making them a conduit for the Hereafter, and lived there live curious and the wayfarer who is in constant progress of continuous travel, does not approve of his decision, nor resting his pal, even up to a real home, in a country wedding, where rivers and the heavens, and poplar Hassan, Lord satisfied is not angry.

It's peace be upon him and am back xda knew the truth of existence, died purposes, and lived his objections, The impact of the poor live in this world, hungry days Visber, and full-day Vihkur.

Fathallah it Fotouh, and held in his hands the treasures of gold and silver, Vonfgaha all in the cause of God, and did not make himself any of them, but under a state of little satisfaction, contentment and even a modicum chosen by God Almighty to his side.

If God peace be upon him the seriousness of sedition knows this world and says: «God does not live, but live Hereafter» [agreed]. Therefore, his main concern was to make the afterlife, and finished his heart for the worries of the world, he misses the minimum run, was avoids she says: «financial and minimum» [Horses 3283 in true carrot.

And he was afraid of the Prophet peace be upon him the nation Basta minimum, he said: «I swear not fear poverty upon you, but I'm afraid you have to simplify you the world, as laid down on those who came before you, Vtnafssoha as Tnafssoha, and Thlkkm as Ohlkthm» [agreed].

Among -alih prayer and Salam to the nation minimum meanness, he said: «God! What this world and in the Hereafter, but what makes any of you like this finger He referred Yahya Balsbabh- in the sea. So let Bam due? »[Narrated by Muslim, 2858].

And entered -alih prayer and Salam market and people lined Famer Al grandfather ASCO -sgar Alozn- dead, Vtnolh, he took his ear and then said: «Which of you loves this has Dirhams? They said: What we love it for us something. What we do with it? He said: Otahbun it to you? They said: By Allah! If he were alive, it was a shame, because it is ASCO. How it is dead? He said, "I swear! The minimum lesser God, from this you» [Narrated by Muslim, 2957].

Those prophet look peace be upon him, to lower a look elevate human self above the blocking sensual desires Vcherq lights of guidance and multiplies full-time for worship and service, and if we look at the reality of the lives of the Prophet peace be upon him, taught us that it has been applied to that view, and he lived and the reality on the ground .
Amr ibn al-Harith the brother of Fatima wife of the Prophet said, peace be upon him: «What the Messenger of Allah peace be left upon him when he died dirhams and dinars and not a slave nor a nation nor anything except white yielding, and his weapon, and the ground to make it a charity» [Bukhari 2739].

And Aisha, may Allah bless them said: «Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, died, and in my house from something eaten by a liver, but halves of the barley in the rack me, ate him up long-Ali, Vklth Vffine» [agreed]. Al-Tirmidhi said: "« bisected barley »anything from barley."

He said Omar bin al-Khattab may Allah be pleased with him what happened to the people of the world, he said: «I have seen the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him and twisted remains today, he finds Dqla fills his stomach» [Narrated by Muslim, 2978].
And Daqal: It's a lousy date.

Bed, peace be upon him

Aisha said, may Allah bless them: «mattress was the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him from Adam -algeld- and charges of Lev» [Bukhari 6456].
Nam peace be upon him on the mat, The impact in his side, and saw him, Ibn Masood, said to him: O Messenger of Allah! Not Azntna, Venbst Allen rub against it? God said to him, peace be upon him: «What me and the world and what I am and the world but like me and the world as a passenger remained under a tree and then claimed the left» [Narrated by Ahmad, 5/264, Albanian and 438 in the series proper, said: Hassan true.

Omar bin al-Khattab may Allah be pleased with him, said: «I entered upon the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, which is on the mat, he said: I sat If the wrapper and not the other, and if the mats had an effect on his side, and if I fist barley about retribution and write up in hand in the room and if the cuticle commentator Fabtdrt my eyes, he said: «what makes you cry, O son of discourse?», I said: O Prophet of Allah, Mali do not cry and that the mats may impact on your side and this closet I do not see it, but what I see as the fractions and Caesar in fruits and rivers and you are a prophet God's elites and the closet, he said: «O Ibn Khattab not satisfied that we have the afterlife and I told them minimum wear» [Narrated by Ibn Majah 3367 and a man.

Prophet've beaten God's peace be upon him goes his own, was the fleeing donations kings, it gives tender confident in God, who is not afraid of poverty, and then return to his home, if his bed mats and food barley bread did not say peace be upon him: The Imam should to be his body between the people and pageantry, so that would maximize and increase his prestige, but said -alih prayer and Salam: «Oh! Mark Rizk Mohammed Al Quetta »[agreed].
And sustenance is what keeps on the matter, and maintains the body without the increase on it.

As stated in the introduction of the Prophet peace be upon him

Anas may Allah be pleased with him, he said: «The Prophet, peace be upon him not spared anything tomorrow» [Narrated by Tirmidhi 2362 and horses.

As for what came in the hadeeth narrated by Omar may Allah be pleased with him that the Prophet, peace be upon him: «was selling palm Bani Nadir, and confined to his family strengthened their year» [Bukhari 5357] This is the right of its people to alimony, and it was peace be upon him him the fairest people, and he said -alih prayer and Salam: «Enough is enough sin for a man to waste from Icot» [Narrated by Abu Dawood, 1692 and a man.
And says: «Enough is enough sin for a man who owns that locked up his strength» [Narrated by Muslim, 996].

But evidence indicates that the Prophet, peace be upon him and his family were to spend this sustenance for God's sake do not spared him nothing.

Ibn Hajar said: "Although being a peace be upon him, he retains his power year for his family, was in the length of the year probably Astjerh them to those who reply to him and compensate him, so he died -alih prayer and Salam shield was mortgaged on barley borrowed food for his family" (opening: 9 \ 414).

One indication of this: Abu Huraira said: «A man came to the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, he said: I effort, sent to some of his wives, she said, and who sent you the right! My only water. Then sent to the other. She said like it. So they said they are all like that: no. And who sent you the right! My only water »[Narrated by Muslim, 2054].

These wives of the Prophet houses peace be upon him, are all where there is no food for one man, suggesting that this sustenance that was Idk -alih prayer and Salam to his family, he was also spent in the cause of God, and thus Totlv evidence does not contradict, Nawawi said: "this talk is comprised of the many benefits, including: what it was like the Prophet, peace be upon him and his family of asceticism in this world, and the patience to hunger and narrow case of the world" (the explanation Muslim: 13/240).

Food Prophet peace be upon him

The Prophet, peace be upon him Hin rations, and was eating food that was attended not respond exists, does not spend is missing, and was eating meat and Aladam and bread, but most of the same -alih prayer and Salam asceticism and lack of satiety; it -alih prayer and Salam was spend the whole money for the sake of God, so that God's peace be upon him was more generous than the blowing wind and so was often stays with no money, no food, nothing.
If you see what Jith excitedly *** like you who give you a liquid
Though it was not in his hand is the same *** Gad out Viq God liquid

Aisha, may Allah bless them said: «What Muhammad peace be upon him satiation of barley bread two consecutive even catch the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him» [agreed].
And buttonhole for Aisha, may Allah bless them that they used to say: "By God, O son of my sister if we were to look at the Crescent, and Crescent, and Crescent, three crescents in two months, and the Kindle in the verses of the Messenger of Allah -alih prayer and Salam fire!"
Erwa said: O aunt! What was Ieihkm?
She said: Alosudan: dates and water. However, it has been a messenger of God, peace be upon him, neighbors of the Ansar were Mnaih them and they were sent to the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him Visagana!

This is the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, the master of the first two and the others, who refused to turn him Mecca mountains of gold, not a slave to a messenger; nothing in his house, a drink of milk, so that once provided him some neighbors of the Ansar Visaga family of them! The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, as he said it once: «did not eat the Prophet peace be upon him, Juan until he died, and eat bread until he died Mrqqa» [Bukhari 6450].
The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, he did not see the white bread until he died.

Said Sahl ibn Saad may Allah be pleased with him: «What the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him and saw the fresh-from when God Almighty Aptosh even grip."
He was told: Were you at the time of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him sieves? He said what he saw the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him Mnkhala and am back from time Aptosh God Almighty even grip. Was said to him: How do you eat the barley is sifted? He said: We were Ntahnh and Nnfajh, Vaitir fox, and the rest Therinah -bllnah and Ajnah- »[Bukhari 5413].

Anas may Allah be pleased with him, said: The subject of the Prophet peace be upon him, his shield Bsair, and I walked to the Prophet, peace be upon him bread and barley Ahalh Snhh -ahm variable Alraihh- and I've heard him say: «what became the family of Mohammed peace be God be upon him, but neither has become a saa »and they are nine verses [Bukhari].

And bin Ghazwan may Allah be pleased with him threshold, said: «I've seen me seven seventh with the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, what our food only paper Habla -tmr Alsamar- even Egraht -tgeran Ofuahna- Ohdaguena» [Reported by Muslim].

Jabir may Allah be pleased with him that the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, he asked his family Aladam. They said: We have nothing but vinegar. And he called it, and started to eat and says: «the good food is vinegar» [Narrated by Muslim, 2052] Jaber said: I still loved vinegar since I heard from the Prophet of Allah peace be upon him.

Hunger Prophet peace be upon him

Abu Huraira may Allah be pleased with him said: The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him out of day or night, he saw Abu Bakr and Omar may Allah be pleased with them, he said: «What Okhrjkma of Biotkma this time? They said: hunger, O Messenger of Allah! He said: I am, and my hand! Take me out to the Okhrjkma. Arise, and they with him, came a man from the Ansar, if it is not in his own house, when she saw the woman said: hello! And Welcome! He said to her the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him: Where is so and so? She said he went Istazb us from the water, as he looked Ansari came to the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him and his two companions. Then he said: Praise be to God. What a day Akram Oziava me. He went Bazq came to them the mystery of the pass and humid. He said: Eat of this, taking Medea, the Messenger of Allah said to him, peace be upon him: Beware! The dairy, Vzbh them. They ate from the shah. This bunch, and they drank, and when they were filled, and to Rouen, the Messenger of Allah said, peace be upon him and am back to Abu Bakr and Omar: and my hand! Tsoln all this bliss Doomsday brought you out of your homes hunger then did you go back even Misfortune this bliss »[Narrated by Muslim, 2038].

Anas may Allah be pleased with him said: Abu Salim Talhh mother said: I have heard the voice of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him weak, which I know hunger, do you have anything? She brought out tablets barley, then drove veils her, Velvet bread interconnected, then a dozen under my dress, and I received interconnected and then sent me to the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, said: I went by, I found the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him at the mosque and with him people, I got up to them, peace be upon the Messenger of Allah said to me upon him: «I will send you Abu Talha». I said: Yes, he said: «by food». He said: I said: Yes, Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, to those with him: «Arise». He went and kicked off their hands, until I came Abu Talha, said Abu Talha: O Mother of Salim, the Messenger of God has come peace be upon him and the people, and we do not have to eat what feed them, she said: Allah and His Messenger know best, he said: Hence, Abu Talha even been Messenger God's peace be upon him, turned to Abu Talha and the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, even income, Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him: «Come with O or sound, what you have.» She came so bread, and ordered him wrapped, and squeezed her ailment or sound Vodmth, and then said the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, God willing, to say, and then said: «, suffer for ten». I gave them, and they ate until they were filled, and then they went out, and then said: «, suffer for ten». Gave them permission and they ate until they were filled, and then they went out, and then said: «, suffer for ten». Gave them permission and they ate until they were filled, and then they went out, and then authorized for ten people all ate and were filled, and folk eighty men »[agreed].

-hecma- My dear brother was living prophet peace be upon him esteemed and his companions, and so came to us this great religion on the bridges of the sacrifices and the pain and the blood and thorns, across an empty stomach and the heart pure, and the hearts of shining, Vaqbih us to waste the secretariat of this religion, or overfed responsible for advocacy and communication; Balrcn to the world, and indulge in its desires and pleasures, and negligence on the teachings of the Prophet peace be upon him to leave this world and make it hung up a farm for the Hereafter. This -oallah- of the greatest causes weakness and backwardness of the nation and shed them as enemies of the Prophet peace be upon him, said: «Nations is about to falter, you also falter Eaters to Kassatha.» He said the man who said: We are the lack of that day? He said: «but you lot that day, but you scum Cgthae Torrent, and tend God of the issuance of your enemy awe of you, but Iqzven God in your hearts weakness». Someone said: O Messenger of Allah! The weakness? He said: the world of love and hatred of death »[Narrated by Abu Dawood and horses].

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