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Things obscure slave for his Lord

Blocking between a person and his Lord: ~

 The first veil: ignorance of God:

Do not you know .. I knew God loved him .. and knew who did not like him ..
I never liked who did not know .. so it was Sunnis
Actually science students really are the guardians of God who loves them and they love ..
Whenever God because you know more than I loved him more ..
Shoaib preacher of the prophets said to his people: {and ask forgiveness of your Lord and then repent to the Lord merciful and approachable} (Hud: 90).
The Lord Almighty: {Those who believe and do good works will make them friendlier Rahman} (Maryam: 96).
The crudest blocking is ignorance of God and do not know .. fool the enemy unaware ..
Those who do not know God Aasouna.
Those who do not know God worship the devil without.
Therefore, it was God's call science first: {know that he is no god but Allah, and ask forgiveness for your sin and for believing men and women} (Muhammad: 19).
Valdoa that God knows the right knowledge .. If I knew real knowledge When it live fact repentance.

 Veil II: Fad:
He invented the withholding from God Bbdath .. shall be heresy veil between him and God, so get rid of them .. He said peace be upon him: "It is the latest in a hurry This is not a part of it." (Agreed).
Saleh and his work are two:
Sincerity: to be the face of God alone is not a partner.

And follow-up: to be on the Sunnah of the Prophet, peace be upon him.
Without these two conditions is not called good .. do not go up to God .. because it ascends to the good work of good .. shall be heresy veil to prevent the arrival of work to God .. thus preventing the arrival of slave .. it shall be a veil between a person and God .. Because the creator but Abdul at whim .. not on his master .. Murad is a veil between him and God .. through which God invented not prescribed .. factor for, good, paving the way for himself .. the innovator it is more harmful than the sinner.

 Veil III: Batinah sins:
And they are many Kalkhala .. .. and pride, arrogance and vanity .. .. these sins Batinah greater than the sins of this phenomenon .. sins Batinah if you fall in the heart .. The veil between the heart of a person and the Lord.
So that the road to God, but do not cut hearts .. .. cut underfoot and sin heartfelt road sector.
Ibn al-Qayyim says: (may be captured by the self-righteous deeds .. Vtasirh recruited her .. Vtsol him and overwhelm you see .. slave: what is manageable .. ascetic have .. It is about God is far ..) Reflect. . !!

 Fourth veil: the veil of the people sins phenomenon:
.......... Such as theft and other sins ..
Sister .. must tunnel in this place .. it does not insist with small or great, with asking for forgiveness .. and determination is consistency on offense .. and determined to relapse ..
There may be a small disobedience to continue growing by several things, which are six:

(1) persistence and perseverance:

For example: girl look at me and nudity taboo .. and the eye of her fornication and adultery considering weight .. but look smaller than the weight of the vagina .. but with persistence and perseverance .. .. It's become a big Egypt not to turn a blind eyesight .. and keep up on the launch of her sight in taboo. . there is a small insisting ..

(2) down on the guilt:

For example: you say to a smokers: Fear God .. smoking haram .. I mean .. Enlarge your age may become Vick several lesions: The first is that it may bear the gray hair in your head. Second: you with a beard. Third, you're poor.
These are all must Trdek smoking .. He said: This is a small sin.

(3) guilty pleasure:

You will find one of them falls into sin .. and happy to do so ..
 Or pretend happiness ..
 That pleasure is greater than the guilt of guilt .. Fterah joy in bad creature ..
 How insulting this ?? .. and the shedding of the blood of this? .. With the "Muslim youth and sensuality fight Kafr". (Bukhari).
Or to rejoice Bgoaeh honest girl .. and how he managed to defame them .. with that God says: {Those who love to spread evil in those who believe them a painful punishment.} (Nur: 19).
Be careful .. gladness guilty of the greatest sin.

(4) that Webster God tolerate it:

Abdullah bin Abbas, may Allah be pleased with them said: (O His guilt is not secured ill consequence .. As follows guilt is greater than the guilt if you did .. Few Hyaik those on the right and on the north and you are on the guilt is greater than the guilt .. and Dgk and you do not know what God is greater than the maker of your guilt and joy .. guilty if conquered by the greatest of guilt .. and if your fear of the wind stirred cover your door and you're on your heart guilt nor disturbed by the sight of God to you is greater than the guilt).

(5) profess:

The man sleeps disobey God .. .. which leads to conceal guilt .. Vehtk God Lester .. it comes in the next day to what is happening and what action disobeyed God !! .. .. jacket, a disgraced God Lester him.

(6) to be a role model upside down:

This .. plant manager or director of a school or a college or a celebrity .. .. then begins to smoke .. rest of the group begins to smoke like him .. and then later begins to smoking drugs .. begins the others follow suit.
Thus, a girl wearing tight pants may begin to change afterwards subject to the general trend.
Thus it is the case if you're someone who emulated their applies .. you talk says: "From the age of Islam in a bad year it was diminished and the brunt of the work out after him not to detract from their burdens thing." (Muslim).

I hope to start treating blocking us from our Lord
And repent to him God forgive us and have mercy on us

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